sebastian debeste!

roleplay account


This muse will have heavy references to parental abuse.
(Since, well, Blaise exists.)

And major aai2 spoilers, of course.

Basic Info

Age: Can vary, default 18

Occupation: Prosecutor (Retook Themis and graduated a second time after aai2)

Birthday: September 21st

Sexuality: Aroace gay

Gender: FtM trans; wears a binder, but hasn't transitioned otherwise. (He's comfortable with this.)

He has ADHD, autism, and he's dissociative (none of which are officially diagnosed).


5'2 (157 cm)
[but, with his ahoge, he's 5'5; this is how tall he'll say he is. he is lying.]

He has freckles!!

He accidently hits himself on the cheek with his baton so often, he has a faint scar. To ease the pain when this happens, he wears a bandaid (a cheap one, admittedly) over the scar almost all the time.

His hands are also covered in burn scars, inflicted by Blaise. Sebastian hates these and only shows this to people he's extremely close to; this is the main reason he wears gloves.

Usually only wears semi-casual clothing, always with long sleeves, at least.

Other than all that, he's basically the same as canon. Little guy :)


That's all you need to know to interact, but if you want to know more:

hi i'm bingus

yes this is my namesake.

main account: @sebbiedebeste

other rp accounts:

Kay Faraday

Pre-AAI2 Sebastian Debeste (@melodyofdebeste)



I'm a minor!

transmasc aroace lesbian!!

i've been diagnosed with adhd. i'm not completely sure about it, but i suspect i'm on the autism spectrum and have something dissociative as well. (wow i wonder where sebastian gets it)

uhh I dunno what to write here. you can look at my main carrd if you want. apologies, it's a bit cluttered and outdated.

RP style


or, rarely:



This guy is a music PRODIGY. He can play almost any instrument with ease, and he writes music sometimes. He is also very much a music snob and will insult your favorite music if given the chance (he isn't trying to hurt your feelings I promise)

He can play the flute, saxophone, acoustic and electric guitar, drums, tuba, violin, clarinet, trumpet, harmonica, and kazoo. He's learning the piano, (yes, saving the easiest for last,) and has tried a harp once.

He likes snakes. They're his favorite animals; they help comfort him a lot, and he LOVES talking about them. Sometimes, while writing his name, he substitutes the first S with a small snake drawing.

He was extremely isolated with Blaise, and there are so many things that are completely unfamiliar to him, like birthdays and holidays in general.

He REALLY likes sweets; he never got to eat any before aai2. Milk chocolate is his favorite - giving him candy is a surefire way to help him calm down, or just make him happy.

Thanks to some of the burns on his hands being third-degree, he has mild nerve damage. A lot of feeling in his hands is permanently gone. The damage isn't usually much of a problem anymore, healing with time; however, it does get worse again some days, especially if he gets hurt.

His baton basically works as a fidget toy. Blaise gave it to him when starting Themis, since he can NOT sit still if he doesn't have something to fidget with, and it quickly became the most comforting thing he has. He doesn't actually conduct music with it, but he likes the motion of conducting; he starts bending it when he's distressed, upset in any way, or just bored, for comfort; he gently taps it in a rhythm against his cheek or some surface next to him while he's thinking. He loves his baton, carrying it around with him everywhere he goes, and if he lost it, he wouldn't know what to do.

He usually only swears when genuinely pushed to an emotional limit but also all the time because it's funny and I can't help it


Has extremely mixed feeling about Blaise. It's so complicated. Knows he's a horrible person and hates being known as his son (along with being called Debeste), but also still loves him and misses him.

He sees Edgeworth as a fatherly figure in his life, even though he denies it (some mixture of not believing he deserves having him as a dad, and trauma because of Blaise). He very deeply respects Edgeworth and really loves spending time with him. (By the way, if you muse Edgeworth, I am begging you to dad Sebastian thank you.)

He also very deeply respects Justine, and sees her as somewhat of a motherly figure. Yes, he is extremely reluctant to admit this as well. Very comfortable around her.

Klavier went to Themis academy at the same time as Sebastian, and they didn't exactly get along back then, but they know each other. (This one is semi-canon, actually)

Sholmes is his ancestor. (On his mother's side, of course. Blaise doesn't deserve this.) Sebastian discovered this via an ancestry test; other than that, he really doesn't know much about Sholmes at all.

I also adore Kay being Sebastian's awesome big sister that teases him a lot. Sebastian is her roommate (like so), but I don't have a main Kay at the moment. If you muse Kay and you're interested...

Any other relationships would need to be developed a bit more through RP first, just because he really didn't get the chance to befriend many people in aai2, but I also really like Franziska friendship and semi-dad Phoenix.

Muse-Specific Relationships

If anybody listed here changes @s, flips, deactivates, etc. please let me know so I can update this!!

Edgeworth (@TRUTHSWORDS):
Adoptive father in all ways except legally :) Comfortable with calling each other dad and son.

Edgeworth (@LlTlGATlON):
After months of dancing around it, some help from Kay, and a phone call, Sebastian has finally accepted Edgeworth as a fatherly figure, and vice versa. He's getting used to calling him Dad, and being referred to as their son. It makes him really happy. :)

Phoenix @aIwayswright):
Sebastian isn't as close to him as he is with Edgeworth, but he still considers Phoenix a fatherly figure. (if you see this ive probably completely forgotten to finish writing it please remind me thank you)

Meekins (@CLUMSYC0P):
They are little guys :) Friends and investigative partners!!

Blaise (@B_DEBESTE_):
It's complicated.

Athena (@moodmatrixed)

Apollo (@MlSTERFlNE)


Kristoph (@thegavinway)


If you think we've interacted enough to be added to this list, feel free to like this tweet and I'll consider adding you! Don't be shy, really!!